Search Results - Vodacom employee dismissal Employee At Seattle Chocolate Shop Fired After Refusing To Serve Two Police OfficersA chocolate shop employee in Seattle from th... Employee 'Please Call Me' Inventor Hopes Court's Final Decision Is In His FavourWhen Nkosana Makate suggested the idea of pl... Makate Court Calls On Police To Return Illegally Seized Alcohol ProductsOwner of the pub named Padstal in Pretoria a... Police Ellen Apologises… But Former Employee Deems It InappropriateTV talk show host and comedian, Ellen DeGene... Show Former Employee At Home Bargains Spills The Beans On Horrible CustomersHave you ever wondered what it’s like ... Customers Parktown Boys High School Principal FiredMalcolm Williams, the principal of Parktown ... Williams McDonald’s Employee Jailed For Spitting In McFlurryA former McDonald’s employee has appeared ... Mcflurry McDonald's Employee Reveals How McD’s Onions Are Made – People Are 'Nauseous'Many of us know that satisfying feeling afte... Onions Practice What You Preach, EllenBe kind to one another is the line popular U... Ellen Cleaner Graduates At University Where She WorksA 40-year-old cleaner graduated at the Unive... University Employee shoots himself in parliamentAccording to a statement released by Parliam... Parliament Megan Scott Is The Richest Woman In The WorldYou might now know her name, but you will de... Richest 1